“Life is not just something to be endured. It is to be lived in joy ... I place value on anything that brings gladness, love, friendship, the ability to laugh, and makes me feel that I could love every person I meet”
— Ernest Holmes
A three year old with an Afro puffball hairstyle discovers the power and peace that music can provide. Lea’s origins are in the baptist church of Baltimore. Today, she resides in Germany and travels the world sharing songs and experiences to life hearts and connect communities.
Eine Dreijährige mit einer Afro-Puffball-Frisur entdeckt die Kraft und den Frieden, die Musik geben kann. Leas Ursprünge liegen in der baptistischen Kirche von Baltimore. Heute lebt sie in Deutschland und reist durch die Welt, um mit ihren Liedern und Erfahrungen die Herzen zu beleben und Gemeinschaften zu verbinden.
Lea Morris was born in Washington DC to a father who played trumpet in the funk band, Black Heat. Her mother dreamed of opera and brought Lea up in the Baptist church. In high school, she taught herself to play the acoustic guitar by writing songs. Then, she spent an exchange year in Germany where she was exposed to classic, jazz and pop
Geboren in Washington DC als Tochter eines Vaters, der als Trompeter in einer Funkband um die Welt tourte, und einer Mutter, die von der Oper träumte, begann Lea in der Baptistenkirche zu singen, sobald sie sprechen konnte. In der High School brachte sie sich selbst das Spielen der Akustikgitarre bei, indem sie Songs schrieb. Dann begann sie ein Austauschjahr in Halle, Deutschland, wo sich die Künstlerin in Klassik, Jazz und Pop ausprobierte.
Family Folk Machine - Iowa City, IA - lead by Jean Littlejohn
Indianapolis Women’s Chorus - IN - lead by Meghan Johnson
Lea with Bobby McFerrin and The Moment in California
Rabble Chorus community choir - Suffolk, England
International Be the Light Choir - 2021
Soul of the City - London, England - lead by Fran Andre
Central Christian Church - Indianapolis, IN
Hackney Harmony and The Islington Community Choir, led by Sophia Efthimiou and Ryan O'Riordan.
Zoie Kennedy
The origins of SoulFolk
Lea was born in Washington DC to a father who toured the world playing trumpet in the funk band Black Heat and a mother who dreamed of opera while performing with her siblings in the Jones Family Gospel Singers. Lea was singing on the pulpit of the Baptist church where she grew up as soon she could speak.
When she discovered the acoustic guitar as a teenager, she began teaching herself to play by writing songs. Leas final year in high school in Germany at a classical conservatory, where she sang with the jazz ensemble Black & White and co-wrote with the British pop trio Indigo Wild.
Awards & Credentials
Grand Prize Winner: Bernard/Ebb Songwriting Contest
Honorable Mention - Positive Music Awards
Multiple Awards: Mid-Atlantic Song Contest
Frequent nominee: Washington Area Music Association
Shared Stage with Odetta, Mavis Staples, Dar Williams, Anthony Hamilton.
Perform extensively in US and Europe, including John F. Kennedy Center
Songwriting Collaboration with Kid Pan Alley
Performer at BoogieBabes, Little Acorn Patch and Carpe Diem Arts
Endorsed artist: Breedlove Guitars
Grand Prize Winner: Bernard/Ebb Songwriting Contest -- Multiple Awards: Mid-Atlantic Song Contest
Grand Prize Winner: Bernard/Ebb Songwriting Contest -- Multiple Awards: Mid-Atlantic Song Contest
Artistry that transcends borders.
Lea has performed extensively across the United States and Europe. She’s had a close relationship with Germany for over 20 years, and has transitioned from Washington, DC to Europe in the past few years. She looks forward to continuing to explore, and is open to projects in a variety of locations.
Website photos by romanbrodel.com